Wholesellers & Retailers of Gemstones
Jaipur Ratna Mandir

Gemstones Ranchi Gemstones Ranchi Gemstones Ranchi Gemstones Ranchi

Contact : 0651-3209955, 9431184212, 9334718303

Diamond (Heera) :- This Gemstone usually colourless and if suited it blesses the wearer with luxuries, comforts, charming personality and happiness among other things. It is generally worn on the Middle finger or the Little finger and it should be worn on Friday mornings after prayers.

Emerald (Panna) :- This Gemstone varies in colour from light to dark green. If suited it blesses the native with good communication skills, business, good health and memory among other things. It is generally worn on the Little finger or the Middle Finger and it should be worn on Wednesday morning after prayers.

Pearl (Moti) :- Pearls are formed in shellfish especially oysters and mussels. If suited it blesses the native with happiness, good mental health among other benefits. It is usually worn on the Ring Finger, the Little finger or the Index Finger and it should be worn on Monday morning after prayer.

Yellow Sapphire (PukhRaj) :- This Gemstone varies in colour from light yellow to deep yellow. If suited it blesses the native with wealth, prosperity, good memory among other things. It is generally worn on the Index finger or the Ring finger and it should be worn on Thursday morning after prayers.

Ruby (Manik) :- This Gemstone if suited can render very good results to the native including success in professional matters, fame, reputation and overall status. It is generally worn on the Ring Finger or the Index Finger and it should be worn on Sunday morning after prayers.

Coral (Moonga) :-This Gemstone is formed of skeletal remains of some marine animals. It varies in colour from red to vermilion to pink and sometimes even white. If suited it blesses the native with strength, courage, good friends, good houses among other things.It is generally worn on the Ring finger or the Index finger and it should be worn on Tuesday morning after prayers.

Cat's Eye (Lahsuniya) :- This Gemstone varies in colours from green to yellow to brown. It has a moving white line across the gemstone which gives the effect of a Cat's Eye. This gemstone if suited usually helps in Career, Business, Spiritualism, Meditation among other things. But again, like Hessonite, this gemstone is also not suitable for 70 to 80 percent of people and can be as disastrous as Hessonite.

Blue Sapphire ( Neelam) :- This Gemstone if suited it can turn your whole life much more faster than any other Gemstone. It varies in colour from light blue to deep blue. This gemstone can bless you with wealth, health, luxury and so many other good things. But it can be very destructive if not suited to a native.

Hessonite (Gomed) :- This Gemstone varies in colour from light honey colour to dark honey colour. If suited it can bring sudden fortunes like winning of lotteries and instant successes in stock market to the wearer. But it can be a great disaster if not suited. It is generally worn on the Middle finger or the Little finger and it should be worn on the day prescribed by the astrologer.

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